Volunteer with us
Being a Cuidiú Volunteer is a hugely rewarding experience, as an entirely voluntary led organisation we're always on the search for new talent. There are a variety of ways you can get involved:
Volunteering with your local Branch
Even our most established Cuidiú Branches are often looking for people to help with the day to day aspects of running a branch. This could be helping to run or host regular or seasonal events (don't worry, hosting an event is not as scary as it sounds!), doing some ad-hoc admin work, or even joining the committee in a key role such as membership secretary or treasurer. Plus we're always looking for help with moderating and posting to our social media accounts. Please do reach out to your local branch if this might interest you.
Alternatively, if there isn't a Branch or group operating in your area and you're interested in helping to get one set up, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact us on info@cuidiu.ie
Train with us
Volunteering with the Board of Directors
As a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG), by law we must have a Board of Directors who are the governing body of Cuidiú. The Board’s responsibility is to provide governance, direction, control and accountability for the charity. The Directors oversee the work of the Administrative Council. All Directors work on a voluntary basis to govern Cuidiú according to our Constitution. If you've been volunteering with Cuidiú for some time and feel you can contribute to the strategic direction of the Charity, becoming a Director could be right up your street. Board members cannot receive any payments from Cuidiú (e.g. cannot be a paid tutor). We meet approximately 6-8 times per year, primarily remotely. For experienced Cuidiú volunteers, no prior Board experience is necessary.
At present on the Board (October 2024), we have Chair, Finance, HR and Social Media roles to fill in additional to general Board members. Please contact boardsec@cuidiu.ie if you would like to know more.
Volunteering on the National Admin Council
The Administrative Council (AC) work on a voluntary basis with responsiblity for the day to day operational management of Cuidiú answering to the Board of Directors. The Administrative Council members include representatives from each of the three training sectors, Antenatal, Breastfeeding and Parent Support. All members of the Administrative Council work on a voluntary basis, we meet monthly via Zoom and aim to meet up face to face twice yearly.