Other Supports
List compiled by Cuidiú BFCs Angela Cahill and Cita Crefeld
Additional Support Options and Resources in Ireland
- HSE Breastfeeding Website
- Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) in Ireland
- La Leche League of Ireland
- Association of Lactation Consultants Ireland
- Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services, Ireland
- Irish Premature Babies
- The Breast Way
- Friends of Breastfeeding Ireland
- www.bestservices.ie
- The Equality Tribunal
- Fathers direct
- Family Support Agency
- Irish Multiple Births Association
- Irish Refugee Council
- National Centre for Inherited Metabolic Disorders
- National Disability Authority
- Irish Civil Service - Breastfeeding and the Work Place
- Citizens Information - Breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding in Public (the laws that protect breastfeeding mothers and babies)
Breastfeeding Forums (online support)
Policy & Strategy
- A National Breastfeeding Policy for Ireland
- The International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes
- Policy and Strategy - breastfeeding.ie
International Resources
KellyMom “At KellyMom.com, our goal is to provide support & evidence-based information on breastfeeding, sleep and parenting.”
Breastfeeding Inc Jack Newman MD, FRCPC & Edith Kernerman IBCLC “Our aim is to empower parents by ensuring they receive the most up-to-date information to assist them with their breastfeeding baby. We strive to provide them this information through breastfeeding resources which include, but are not limited to, free information sheets, video clips, and articles. Some resources, such as books, protocols and videos can also be purchased through the website.”
Biological Nurturing / Laid Back Breastfeeding Biological Nurturing is new breastfeeding approach that refers to a range of semi-reclined maternal breastfeeding postures and innate feeding behaviours.
Jay Gordon MD, FAAP “Intensely interested in infant nutrition and breastfeeding, Dr. Gordon is the first male physician to sit for and pass the International Board of Lactation Certification Exam and has served on the Professional Advisory Board of La Leche League for twenty-four years.”
Mother - Baby Behavioural Sleep Laboratory “Professor James J. McKenna's Mother-Baby Behavioral Sleep Laboratory studies how sleeping environments reflect and respond to family needs—in particular how they affect mothers, breastfeeding, and infants' physiological and psychological well-being and development.”
ISIS - Infant Sleep Information Source “This website is about normal infant sleep. We use 'normal' to mean 'what is biologically expected for humans'. Our starting point is that sleep is a biological need. We present information about what is biologically normal for human babies. We also discuss how this may vary due to different cultural behaviours and expectations such as what babies are fed, where they sleep, and how societies interpret their needs.”
Breastfeeding after Breast and Nipple Surgeries “This website was created in 1998 by two mothers who have had breast reduction surgery themselves, Diana West, IBCLC, and Carol Maranta. The site is an outgrowth of the BFAR email lists that operated from 1996-2005 and the BFAR Book that was published in 2001. Diana is an international board-certified lactation consultant and maintains the main website and its content. Carol maintains the very active forum community, which replaced the email lists in 2005.”
- The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (8th edition) - La Leche League International
- My Child Won't Eat – Dr Carols Gonzales.
- The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers - Jack Newman M.D. and Teresa Pitman
- Dr. Jack Newman's Guide to Breastfeeding - Jack Newman and Teresa Pitman
- Breastfeeding Made Simple (2nd edition) -Nancy Mohrbacher IBCLC, Kathleen Kendall-Tackett PH.d, IBCLC
- The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk - Diana West and Lisa Marasco
- The Food of Love – Kate Evans
- Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding - Ina May Gaskin
- The Wonder Weeks - Hetty van de Rijt, Ph.D and Frans Plooij, Ph.D
- The Politics of Breastfeeding - Gabrielle Palmer
Disclaimer: Cuidiú - ICT does not endorse any product, products or services featured within the above links