Cuidiú - Mullingar Branch
Branch Contacts:
General Branch queries -
Parent, Baby & Toddler Groups:
The dates and venues of these events are listed on our Facebook Page / Instagram.
Antenatal Educators:
Click here for a full list of Cuidiú Antenatal Educators operating throughout Ireland.
Breastfeeding Counsellors and Support Meetings:
Anna Briody - 087 698 9249
Caroline Byrne - 085 720 9958
Niamh Kelly - 086 848 8493
Rosanna Keane - 086 173 4030
Sonya Quinn - 085 719 2770
Esquires Coffee Shop (up the steps), Harbour Place Shopping Centre, Mullingar, N91 TC6V - 2nd & 4th Monday of every month - 10:00 to 12:00 noon.
The dates and venues of these events are also listed on our Facebook Page / Instagram.
Click here for a full list of Cuidiú Trained Breastfeeding Counsellors who are available throughout Ireland offering free Telephone Support.
Parent Supporters:
Melanie Boylan - 085 286 0502
Click here for a full list of Cuidiú Trained Parent Supporters operating throughout Ireland.